Thread: Imoen
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Old 01-24-2002, 09:24 PM   #8

Join Date: September 16, 2001
Location: Bellingham, WA, USA
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I'd say go ahead & change her--in BG1, she was one of the best Thieves in the game....then you hit BG2 and NOT ANYMORE! She sucks as a Thief now: Doesn't have 100% in anything. I would either
A) Edit her character to be an exact match of however you had her at the end of BG1 (whether you Dualed her to Mage or not), or
B) Move her Thieving Skills around so she has 100% in Find Traps, Pick Locks, and the rest in Set Traps or Detect Illusion, and make her a Swashbuckler.

I'm not a moron who screws up his characters, and I don't appreciate BioWare screwing up Imoen FOR me.
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