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Old 04-10-2001, 03:48 PM   #5
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: April 9, 2001
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Originally posted by Epona:
Blimey, sorry I spoke - I didn't realise that my having a different opinion about how to roleplay a character would upset you so much. I'm also sorry I can't quote Tolkein back at you, but I don't play BGII as if it were Lord of the Rings. They are two different things.
Epona, don't take offense, please.
I actually appreciated and enjoyed your response. You offered a solution that actually CONSIDERED the role-playing aspects.

Originally posted by Epona:
About enemies which need to be hit with blunt weapons - what I suggest is just carry a simple club as I am sure your ranger would have no qualms about thrusting a bit of dead tree at a foe. You won't be the best club fighter around with no proficiency, but it's better than being stomped on. Also IMHO this solution preserves your role-playing aspect?
I'm just suggesting that some folks try roleplaying the game, instead of looking at it like Diablo II. (which, I did play, just with a different playing style)
It's like chess. Against a human opponent, phsycology is as important as strategy. Against a computer, brute force and strategy will normally win. Both are fun, and well within the game parameters. I'm just suggesting something that I think will offer some insight.

The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes
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