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Old 04-10-2001, 09:14 AM   #5

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
some people are never happy are they
If you think there are too many (I say it's better than too few don't you agree?) then just pick a few that you like and leave the others where you found them. Besides, don't you think it fun to try them all out and swap them around for a bit? Personally I think it's nonsense that there are too many good weapons in the game; when I have a low-level party, +2 weapons are the best there are, but as soon as I can get my hands on anything better, I simply sell all the superfluous/weak weapons that I still carry around.
Well, just giving you my two cents here, everybody's entitled to his/her own opinion of course

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH

Your voice is ambrosia
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