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Old 04-07-2001, 11:51 AM   #7
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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Originally posted by Epona:
250 - any excuse!!! LOL!

I didn't know - because I've purposfully been avoiding any spoiler type info about the expansion, although I look forward to Memnoch's posts they don't give anything away. When I spend £30 on a game I like to find out the plot for myself! I've been avoiding other sites, including the official site, just in case. I didn't think anyone here would be that daft!

I remember being annoyed when I first got BGI - I got it on budget a couple of months before BGII was about to be released. All the games magazine reviews for BGII gave away the BGI plot by saying "In BG you found out you were the offspring of Bhaal..." and I felt like screaming! They could have been a bit less explicit, but at least BGI had been out for a while so they were only spoiling a few who were slow off the mark in buying the game.

Archaon - I'm sure it wasn't deliberate - just edit your post so it contains a link to the review, and a BIG BIG warning that it contains a major plot spoil and I will be appeased. Please try to be aware that not all of us like the plot info served up to us before the game has even been released. Thanks.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I feel your pain man!!! that is the same as telling people Imoen is gonna ***** (just an example) anyway, that is REALLY REALLY a crime!!!

lol, to be serious, that must suck. but look into the bright way, he hadnt spoiled everything for you at least it is only a tiny small portion of it.

ack, i ve done my job to griev your lose, now it is time to attack!!!

ARCHON!!! YOU REMEMBER NOW YOU NO LIFE $#@$ IDIOT!! you think you are pretty cool that you can throw spoils everywhere so people will look up to you huh? no, you idiot, no no no NOO!! I SAID NO! nobody gives a %#@! because you are such a #@!$@. see? you #@!$! pissed everyone off!!! now stop searching the net just so you can ruin everyone's surprise by surprising everyone! if i am moderator, you will be banned before you can say "Ohh sh****"

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