Thread: Imprison
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Old 04-05-2001, 12:06 PM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: April 3, 2001
Location: Fredericksburg, Va. USA
Posts: 10
I am currently engaged with a creature who apears to be able to cast this spell forever. I tried summoning monsters, but when they become imprisoned, they never unsummon. This means after 5, you're stuck. Imprison on my main is, of course, instant death. How do you deal with this type of attack?

I understand that Freedom scrolls exist (though I don't have any), but if this creature can just keep casting then there isn't much point anyway.

For those who know which creature I am referring to, I am not looking for spoilers/startegy on that particular combat. I just want to know if the creature ever runs out of this spell, or if there is some way I haven't figured out to deal with it.
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