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Old 04-01-2001, 09:13 AM   #55

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Up in the Freedomland Alps
Age: 60
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Originally posted by Yorick:
The origin isn't important it's what the majority of people who live in an area, or call the language they speak, or name themselves, refer to presently (and this will change as in the case of the aforementioned Mumbai/Channai cases.)

It would be an insult to call you Moron, your language Frankie and your town Grimebill simply because I can't be bothered learning or pronouncing the names you use. It's not a matter of sticking to the past or not. In the case of Germany/Allemagne/Allemani, it is sticking to the past that is the problem!
Yorick, I didn't say I didn't agree with you, I merely pointed out that names evolve with time and with people speaking them. They always have. Current names for places in the world are already deformations from original names that we don't even remember ! If a sufficient number of people started to name my town Grimebill, then it would become Grimebill after a while !

Moorein, the Frankie girl

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