Thread: Sorcerer?
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Old 03-31-2001, 07:41 AM   #5
Lord Shield

Posts: n/a
Having played through as one, it works like this:
At each level, you get to select the spells you know (you cannot learn off scrolls). You can cast more spells than normal mages, but gai nthe next spell level one level later (lvl 6 for 3rd lvl spells, for instance). You do not memorize specific spells. You simply cast the ones you want when you need them. When I met some golems, I cast 5 Enchanted Weapon spells for the whole party to bop the metal ones. Then again, I cast 5 Mordenkainen Swords to use on a dragon. Other times I might cast 6 magic missiles or 6 Chromatic Orbs. When you sleep you get the spell casting capacity back, but there is no memorisation required.
I LOVED the sorceror