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Old 03-25-2001, 08:30 AM   #4
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
Age: 52
Posts: 9,246
Originally posted by Memnoch:
We all know that there are specialty priests of Helm, Lathander and Talos. But ever wanted to create a kit for a specialty priest of Cyric? Here's the info.

** Cyric (The Dark Sun)
Greater Power of Hades, NE
Portfolio: Death, murder, the dead, strife, tyranny, lies
Requirements: Wisdom 13, Intelligence 13
Weapons Allowed: All bludgeoning weapons and the long sword (Cyric used
a long sword to slay a traitorous halfling).
Armor Allowed: Any
Major Spheres: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic,
Summoning, Sun, Weather
Minor Spheres: Divination, Elemental, Protection
Magical Items Allowed: Same as clerics

Granted Powers
* Specialty priests of Cyric may command undead as do clerics, but
do so as if they were two levels higher.
* Specialty priests of Cyric are immune to fear and other
emotion-altering magic. They can still be charmed and are subject to
enchantment/charm magic, provided that the spells have no effect on the
* Specialty priests of Cyric at 5th level can summon an aerial
servant (as per the spell). This servant will fight for the priest and
can act as a magical assassin.
* Specialty priests of Cyric have the ability to attempt to convert
those who previously followed Bhaal, Myrkul, and Bane. After speaking
directly with such an individual for an hour on the new glory of Cyric,
the target makes a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates that the
target is receptive and willing to convert to the new religion (player
characters can make such decisions for themselves and are not required
to make the saving throw). Priests of the religions of Bhaal, Myrkul,
and Bane add +5 to their saving throws. Add +2 if the target is of
higher level than the specialty priest and -2 if the target is of lower
level. A priest changing faiths to Cyric loses all granted powers and
special abilities and must become either a cleric or specialty priest
of Cyric. The converted priest's experience point total also drops to
one point above the next lowest level (a 5th-level cleric with 16,000
XP, for example, becomes a 4th-level cleric with 6,001 XP). Should the
individual make the saving throw successfully, his reaction depends on
the situation. Mildly interested followers of the Dead Three may be
only mildly offended and willing to continue listening and arguing.
Priests and those devoted to the following of the Dead Three will
become violent once they realize what is happening. Once the saving
throw is made, that individual will be unaffected by all future
arguments by the Cyricists.

Other Notes
Cyric is the youngest of the gods and potentially one of the most
powerful, having taken on the portfolios of Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul, as
well as adopted their huge horde of followers and worshipers.
Due to his relative youth as a deity, Cyric has very few original
followers of his own, though this is changing. Those assassins' guilds
which survived the Time of Troubles and those which have arisen since
are enthusiastic supporters, as Cyric was responsible for the
demolition of the previous assassin god, always a good recommendation.
Many of the common folk, unsure of the status of the Dead Three, have
been swayed by the arguments of the new temples of Cyric.
The former church hierarchies of the Dead Gods are still in place,
however, and to receive the power of their worship, Cyric must still
provide the spells to these priests, though trying subtly to sway them
fully to his side. While most of the hierarchy of Myrkul has embraced
the new master, much of the church hierarchy of Bhaal and Bane do not
agree with Cyric or his aims, and/or fear the loss of power. Currently
the matter is unresolved as Cyric consolidates his power and the
various factions of Bhaalists and Banites jockey for position in the
new order.
The "true priests" of Cyric dress simply in black or dark purple
robes with hoods. All wear silver bracers on their wrists as a symbol
of enslavement to their god. While the Banite custom of facial tattoos
is ignored, priests of Cyric paint the symbol of their new god on their
cheeks and/ or forehead on high holy days.
The priests of Cyric and the god himself have a great effort ahead
of them. Not all the former followers of the Dead Three venerate or
even recognize Cyric. The former Banites and Bhaalists are heavily
factionalized among their own numbers and petty warfare is already
erupting. As an evil god, Cyric's temples and shrines are openly
tolerated only in the most evil or most tolerant of cities. And the
other evil gods (Talos, Malar, Shar, Umberlee) are carefully watching
this young usurper to see if he succeeds in commanding his godhood or
stumbles. If Cyric stumbles, the other gods will certainly be there to
pick up the pieces and rob the bodies.

What about the Sickle?

Where were Hamlet and Horatio when I needed them?!

A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!
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