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Old 03-22-2001, 12:40 AM   #21
Kellin da Mage II
Welcomed New User

Join Date: March 21, 2001
Location: Mt Morris MI
Posts: 2
Seems that BGII is a touch buggier than BGI, which kinda brings it down. I had some real issues with the plot too.

Assuming that anyone reading further below has compleated both games I shale now expand. Theirfor this shalt server as a spoiler alert!
Warning long post follows.
Imeoen gets napped from you in Chapter II, and you get her dumped back on you in IV. She missed out on the bulk of exp that would have been nice. As a result alot of people dump her in favor of more capable members. I loved Yoshie's betrail, but when he double crossed us he managed to abscond with alot of valuable loot, putting us short one thief, all our thiefly weapons (which would have come in handy for Imeoen). We gimped along untill I got the chance to exact a little revenge on the backstabben thief. Now realize that I had him up to 15th level, and the rest of my party juiced up pretty good too. Imeoen was weak but proabaly the best NPC to join my party at the time. So in chapt IV my party's prowis took a major hit. It took a wile to gain that back.

Thanks to all the side quests in chapter II, my main and all his buddies nearly maxed out before going any further. The cap was set too low in my opinion, and gimped anyone who wanted to play a split classed character. 13/13 for a figher/mage is too low to be expected to take on a Demi-lich, and mages who tossed about 9th level spells with ease. Not to mention that due to the way I plaied the game I also inharreted Aerie, and Jaedra (sp?). Both of which are split classed.

I noticed that they tried to tune down the leathleaty of the fights in BGII. In BGI, I was getting an ass whoopen way too often, and haveing to reload. I think they went a little too soft. Even though weak; Aerie, Imoen, and my fighter mage were a force to be reconed with. I had Keldorn and Minsc as flesh walls and little got through that. By the end, with 3 mages in my party, I dropped protectin spells on mages faster than they could recast them. Then....blammo! Minsc Meat! I inaliated Jon in his lab on the island in a volly of Magic Missles (1 round fight!). I had to reload my second battle with him because both of my clerics died, and lost their stuff (note Jon died that time too). Being nakked in Hell is not a good thing. The final battle took 1 try. My hardest magical fight was the demi-lich, and once I found out his cheep trick I could now do it with one character. I think golems caused more deaths than anything else in the game, and Mind Flayers were the worst monster, cause I didn't know about the priest spell for protection. Hade I known even this would have been simple stupid. Not that I'm saying that I didn't get my ass handed to me a few times. Trust me I did.

The overall story was fine. I did like BGI's story better, proabaly because I didn't know as much. How many of you missed the clerics chanting, "The lord of murder shale perrish, but in his wake he will leave a score of mortal proginaty.", in BGI? I was flabbergasted when I discovered that I was the son of a god. BGII could not hold that type of shock value.

But in BGII you can swing two swords, and cast big magic! Another minor rant. WHY NOT 9TH LEVEL SPELLS! I think my biggest enjoyment of BGII was that my fighter/mage had decent saves and enough HP's to last through a battle, and he finnaly devloped into a powerfull character in his own rite. BGI was a pain to play through with a fighter/mage. I used to walk on to a page and just die. Never see what hit me, nothing, and bamm! Reload time! 90% of my BGI reloads were due to my main's death. We would have a battle won, and he would miss a poision save or actually get hit and die.

Last thing on this epic post.

Minsc is absoultly the most enjoyable NPC character I've run across in my life. Proabaly one of the most enjoyable characters in the AD&D world IMO. The "Butt kicking" jokes were a little overdone, but I always had a ball reading andt listning to him. I didn't find him in BGI untill I replaied the game, and from then on he was a keeper. O well. to each their own.

All and all I have to rate BGI and II about the same. The best computer RPG's I've plaied.

Bring on the trone babie it's time Murder got a new name!

[b][i]--Kellin da Mage--

[This message has been edited by Kellin da Mage II (case he can't spell or use the kings propper grammer!)

[This message has been edited by Kellin da Mage II (edited 03-22-2001).]
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