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Old 03-21-2001, 07:38 AM   #1
Azreall, Master of War
Dungeon Master

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Posts: 84
Well, Last time I posted this topic about Minsc (Subject : Minsc ---> Overdone ???) and I got some good replies, but I forgot to reply myself so...
But I did read it, and while doing this, it actually made me think a bit further (sidevoice : Oh my god, make him stop !!! This is going 2 be a Disaster)

You know, In BG1, Minsc had SO MUCH charisma. When they used this in BG2 for a sort of... comercial purpose... I think this made him lose his "Magic Touch".

But back 2 my question : Is BG2 so much better then BG1 ???
I think it sounds very stupid to write it, but I do have this feeling somehow...
I cant really put my finger what was better in BG1 compared to 2;
BG2 has better Graphics, Sound Effects, Voice Casting, Visuall effects, more Options and a Better Gameplay...
The Story of BG2 was good, better then I'd expected from a sequel...

Though, I think it was 2 long... after a while it just couldnt keep my atention annymore at some points. The Music was good, but that from BG1 was better... it had much more ambiance. Ofcourse, with BG2 I had this déja-vu feeling, becasue it as original as BG1.

I think all of this might come from one source... BG1 "encanted" me much more then part 2...

Your opinions please.

Wow, Dude... I feel Dizzy...

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