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Old 03-14-2001, 07:19 PM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 12, 2001
Location: Calgary,Alberta,Canada
Posts: 13
About the item editor is their something im doing wrong? I read the posts regarding only making slight changes to an item and saving each change as a different .itm file. However I load an existing item make a small change such as the description and save it as a new .itm, when i insert it into the game to test it the dam game freezes. I have even tried just making a ring A RING! with its images and stack value ect... and yet the game still locks up. I mean its the bare minimum change and i cant even insert it into the game.
What am I doing wrong?

Please help me out guys I know im close but its bugging me that it keeps freezing.

Thank you kindly.
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