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Old 03-12-2001, 09:17 PM   #12
The Magister

Join Date: March 10, 2001
Location: Brazil, IN USA
Age: 55
Posts: 126
Well, here is a strategy, and its on the thief, lure, block, and kill type



When I came out of Jon Irenicus Dungeon (where you start and escape from), I went and got me a few gem bags and scroll cases, bought a haste scroll, and headed to the circus tent. Don't sell anything till you have done the circus tent and gotten the gear, and Aerie from there. Head over and sell some stuff, and get Aerie to memorize some of the scrolls, especially haste. This put me over level 9 as a fighter, and got Yoshi up too (I put points into his traps btw, all into his traps), make sure you still have the potion of master thievery from the dungeon, go to the inn, arrange spell book for summoning, debuffing, and buffing, and make sure everyone has a range weapon and ammo.

Now rest up, go upstairs and tell them you are leaving, then have yoshi lay a trap on the mage, pooky (the familar quast), dwarf, with his special traps, then put the other of his traps on the other two. Next move in your thief if your playing one and set traps on them too. Now back out, have Aerie summon skeletons, and Jaheria some Nymphs and wood creatures. Put 2 each of the summoned monsters on the barbarian and thief. Have Minsic and Yoshi stand in the door way, cast haste on everyone, bless, holy armour etc... then target the mage, I usually cast a miscast magic on him, then a miscast magic on pooky. You can go for an entangle to start it off too. After the mages are out, I have Jaheria insect him, and Aerie slow him sometimes. Usually the Arrow damage from Minsic, Yoshi, and me, and the summoned monsters keeping the thief and barb busy, you can pick them off easier that way. Alot of times I have scored a double kill with one shot on the mage and familar, trap goes off, and there dead. You don't get experience from them if the trap kills them, but if you say have the trap go off, and you kill them you do.

Btw the entangle and web won't stop the dwarf since he is beserk. It will stop or slow down the barb and thief.

So to sum it up, traps, summons some critters, buff up party, open up with miscast magic and/or web spells with an attack by your archers. Take out the mage, familar, thief, then barb and then it usually went down to a slug fest with the three of us hitting the dwarf and Jaheira and Aerie healing, and slowing him down.

Now, I told you to bring that potion of mastery thievery with you, as you will need yoshi to drink it and be able to open some chests (check for traps allways... nuf' said...), then you can loot and sell, and then decied what to do from there. That potion lasts for 12hours... hmmm, exploring some places and unlocking things might be right.

If you have any more specific questions (like your an assasin which one to take on first, or what would you cast on them to debuff each one of them) fire away, and I'll try not to ramble on to much.

Drink and be merry
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