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Old 03-14-2001, 08:18 AM   #49
Very Mad Bird

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Originally posted by Falcar:
What do you guys think about a party with an eastern(asian) theme?
Originally posted by 250:
dude, you dont know shit. no flame. if Kara-tur is not asia, then what is it? what is Shao Lung? (china)? Kusazi (something like that) is japan, and there are countries imitate korean, and south asia island countries, if Kara-tur is not asia, then what is asia?
Originally posted by Yorick:
I meant, and I thought this obvious, that however Kara-Tur may be based on a few of the myriad cultures that exist in the manifold behemoth Asia is, it remains a fantasy realm.
Next time you inform someone that they 'don't know shit' I suggest you make sure you don't end up eating it "250".
Originally posted by Yorick:
You are obviously intent on limiting Asia to the Chinese sphere of influence
Originally posted by 250:
nice recitation. but Kara-tur is dedicated to eastern asia culture. take a look at ALL the kingdoms in kara-tur, none has any indication of western such as Arabia.

those daos are at Calimshan
Originally posted by Zateel:

Remember, Earth and the "Prime Material Plane" are two different things....So guys- have fun and quit arguing about "Facts". This is just an adult version of "make-belive", by the way.
Haven't I already said that Zateel? Why the plural reference? Thanks for your two cents though

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