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Old 03-14-2001, 07:17 AM   #41
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
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Age: 42
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Originally posted by Yorick:
I shall not bother throwing pearls before swine number 250 so this shall be my last post to you.

The Djinn are Arabic are they not? The Arabian Nights? The Genie of the lamp? Arabic countries are in Asia I believe, and not in a fantasy elemental plane.

Did you read Lifetimes post or did you fill your eyes with dung?

Magic in mythology is used to describe feats beyond the understanding of mere men. Practitioners of such arcane crafts are labelled many things in different areas. Druids of Celtic Mythology, Fakhirs from India, Shamen and Witchdoctors from Africa, and now we have been illuminated by Lifetimes eloquent post on Chinese "Magicians".

Thus in Baldurs Gate 2 the closest one could get to a practitioner of such mysteries would fall under the character classes, Mage, Enchanter, Diviner, Transmuter, etc. to fit in with an 'Asian' theme, just as an Assassin could loosely be linked to a Ninja and a Cleric to a physician or even a Jesuit-like Missionary.

I enjoy discussions and differing opinions, but your refusal to debate factualy without appearing to read or respect anothers opinion bores me.

Adios number 250.

Arbric countries dont belong to Asia, Kara-tus is dedicated to eastern asian cultures. NO WIZARD
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