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Old 03-13-2001, 12:11 PM   #11
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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Originally posted by Charlie:
Hi guys.
If I can make a suggestion.

Yes you can import your characters and use them, we did......for about a minute.
The trouble is that you will wipe the floor with the opposition and you may well be of varying levels.

If you're going to do it I would suggest doing it properly from the start of the game. Agree with your fellow players on what class each of you will be. Roll up brand new characters and begin the game afresh. You will learn about each others strengths and weaknesses as the game progresses and you will be forced to discuss tactics and look after one another as if you were really there yourself. I highly recommend playing a multi-player game but would suggest NO Cheating with character rolls etc and doing the whole game through. Be prepared as it's a BIG game but it really is worth the time and effort. Try'll enjoy it mightily.

thanks for suggestion, but definately no. I am tired of this. i ve played online game quite often, and any game start from scratch dont go far. people just cannot continue. my best experience is with one friend finished IWD together, and another friend finished BGII. that is all.

if i ever play online again, i would tell ppl to use whatever they want. (no cheat of course)

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