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Old 03-04-2001, 12:59 PM   #1
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
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Belt of Unfailing Endurance


This belt belonged to Volae Quaguz who was definately no commen man. For people who knew him, he was called Volae Quaguz the Undead. It wasnt because of his self-considered-brilliant mind always got him out of trouble, and it wasnt because the stinky drunken plus months of no shower smelled like an undead. It was just simply because he, Volae Quaquz, had never died during any bar fight.
He spent most of his life time in the infamous back alley of Luskan. During the night, he'd gone into one of those bars for a night's drink. And more often than not, he'd deliberatly get into an arguing, mostly over things that had absolutly nothing to do with him. Even if he couldn't get involved in a "group disccusion" (as he always said), he'd pretend he didn't have enough money to pay for the drink, which would of course stimulate a disastor fight.
The strange thing thing was, Volae never died out any of the hundreds of fights. Once he was taking hits after hits from three crazy ruffins, which would normally dropped a bull, and at the same time, a seven ft brute half orc smashed a table on the back of his head. He only blinked as if a fly stung him. Someone concluded it as the result of the gentle-hearted northernors had been holding back on him.
No matter what, after a while, everyone got bored of beating him. It was said Volae then went on an adventuring life hoping to find excitment. The last time one heard from him, it was he somehow managed to challenge (actually, it was he stole the mage's treasure more likely) a powerful necromecor with extraordinary confidence. The result wasn't a pleasent one, as he somehow became Volae Quaguz the undead for real...

Type: belt
Special: cons + 2
crushing dmg resistence + 50%
slashing dmg resistence + 20%
pirecing dmg resistence + 20%
wearer regenerates 5 HP every turn
wearer became immune to pain, symble pain.

Notusable by:
Only thief, single class can use it.
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