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Old 11-05-2000, 03:50 PM   #1
Sir Rich

Posts: n/a

Try this out....
if you use the built-in cheat to generate items, make yourself a "killsw01".
It has the graphics and story for Long Sword +2: Visconna, but when you equip it, you get the following bonuses....

counts as a +10 weapon
-35 AC bonus
THAC0: +50
damage: 1d10+1000, +1500 fire, +1500 magic, +1500 cold, +1000 piercing, +1000 slashing, and an aditional 1000 of undisclosed damage. All of this at the same time by the way.
8 attacks per turn (if you get more profencies, you'll get a max of 10 attacks per turn)
100% magic resistance
immunity to:
charm, panic, sleep, slow, stun, fatigue, hold, confusion, feeblemindedness, web, and some others I can't determine.

No race, class, or alignment restrictions on this sword. Your druids and clerics can use it too!

This seems to be the weapon that the programmers assigned to the invincible killer thief in the Thieves Guild (the one that spawns when you kill someone in the thieves guild).

If you're bored and want to see some raw carnage, use the cheats to generate these swords for your whole party (dual-wield, baby!!!!) and then use the cheats to generate, oh, around 100 ogres (so you can hear the silly "Me will crush, crush you to goo!!!") and watch your guys go to town (and see the jibs fly).