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Old 02-25-2001, 08:12 AM   #3
Stealth Bomber

Posts: n/a

A few people complained to Ziroc about my tiptoeing naked lady image on my sig and so I have changed it. When I first thought of it, I posted it along with the one below and asked for feedback. Since all the feedback on that post was positive, I went with her. I am sorry if it offended anyone, it was meant to be fun. For those who don't mind a bit of nudity, I have left one post with it on so that you can see the image concerned. For the rest don't go. I have not put a link, so no child could casually find it. Again, I will remove this last image if requested. My apologies and I hope no-one thinks worse of me, as in reality I am very non-sexist. I considered the image too small to be offensive and it was one of only 2 gifs I found, that was in anyway related to 'Stealth'.

PS You should have seen the belly dancer gif! And no I won't post it!