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Old 02-24-2001, 11:01 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

Okay lets assume I have set up a game using multiplayer with a few other individuals. How do you communicate with the people you are playing with while online?

I see two possible problems (having never actaully looked at this part of the game)

1. How do you coordinate your offensive and defensive strikes when in battle? It seems that th enemy might not have to cast chaos in order for your party to suffer from it. Do you : use a built in chat function, talk on seperate phone lines, use instant message? If so how do you use use instant message since the game plays ful screen?

2. If everone has a high degree of control over their characters actions, how do you prevent one person from being left behind or lost on another screen (like my familiar, I still do not know wher he is, who got lost around ch3)? Is ther only one person who can create way points for the entire group?