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Old 02-23-2001, 02:03 AM   #4
Welcomed New User

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posts: 2

Oh its no big D, just a little evil dream. Its just I always had thought the opposite of a Paladin should be as powerful as his/her counter. I mean, why not? Another example of how silly the obssession with "being good" came as i was entering the palace and a few golems and those weird magic creatures (Raesyhea?) attacked: I mostly nuked them out with a few fireballs then noticed a couple of elves who asses I saved turned against me, because they managed to get hit for like a point or two! I was like oh whatever and dispatched them. Then i see my rep goes from 18 to 9! I'm like, what??!! THEN I go to the entrance and a couple of elves come out all thanking me for "saving" their city and stuff. (so they should-their god just told me to go kick ass!) its SO SO SO lame about the way fireballs make allies turn its just not fact, its the major reason I even considered turning evil!!!!! heheh oh well it serves me right for being so nice all game, I think this is like some kind of back-lash against the Forces of Good. Normally I like saving the innocent! Heheh In other news...What does Soul Reaver do anyway?? and really all I want to know-is what WOULD an anti-paladin DO? like powers etc in the rules? thnks
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