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Old 02-21-2001, 03:03 PM   #16
Welcomed New User

Join Date: January 18, 2002
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I say the most important thing is to have fun and try different strategies and tactics. You can complete the game with any class, some just make for a tougher game than others. My first time through I use the Druid Avenger kit. With that kit the early game was extremely simple (just shapechanged into the sword spider and killed everything). I used Imoen in the beginning dungeon and then Aerie for awhile. I completed most every quest and sidequest that didn't have to fight a Lich or a Dragon (ouch). Then after max-ing out at 14th level and taking on some of the tougher quests I had to add a lot of NPC help. An improved hasted, double strength spells, 10 attacks per round sword spider is a great tank right up to where a mage confuses you, or you get level drained, or a dragon wing buffets you across the cavern...LOL. I guess the point is that every class has its strengths and weaknesses. Take those into account with your own playing style and there is a best class for you.

I ended up playing a Swashbuckler/Mage as the best class for me. I basically solo'd all the way through (picking up NPCs for quests and to win the Twisted Rune fight early in the game). I used the Staff of the Magi and the Cloak of Non-Detection as my main method of getting around and fighting. I also used the different good short bows in a become visible, shoot the target, become invisible again tactic....worked pretty well. And I agree with Tobbin, the Boots are Speed are invaluable. I found a new favorite spell for awhile too....Sunfire. Just walk right into the middle of a crowd of monsters and cast Sunfire...takes the guess work of where to place that Fireball and hits harder too.

Oh well, that's my two cents for now. Have fun storming the castle!!!!!
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