Thread: Is it me????
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Old 02-21-2001, 09:45 PM   #44
Ironworks Moderator

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ahem...(LOL) LadyWendy, he IS smiley-challenged and maybe I'm just er, familiar with his .... uh dry/droll sense of humor but I thought he was kidding, honest! Awww, come back and play with us!!!! (I said "droll" not "troll", come back!) LOL!

Armie: anytime, anytime! (uh our conversations go into the "Cb only- not Stormy stuff" box and that way my poor beleagured BK doesn't feel abandoned. He's soooooo wonderful! But...uh, if you've seen the 'where are we' (or is it the what ages are we?) thread...I think you are giving him ideas...oooooooo-eeeee, YESSSSS! hahahahaha!

Cloudbringer (btw, nice poem in Wah's thread, Armie!)
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