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Old 02-08-2001, 01:39 PM   #19
Xanathar Thieves Guild

Join Date: March 17, 2001
Location: Wichita, KS USA
Age: 61
Posts: 4,537

Hey Zoratorak, don't feel bad, my other half did the same thing in BG1, "What's a fireball?" So, being curious, she cast it on some bandits that had attacked her party, with her whole party standing in the area of effect. You should have seen the look on her face. I still laugh about that one. I however have played pnp before, so I knew what it was, but I did find out the hard way there. We were exploring some sewer in some city, and were attacked by ghouls, so I hit them with a delayed blast fireball. VERY sadistic DM, as I set off a cloud of Methane gas, and nighty night party, and half a city block.
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