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Old 02-07-2001, 05:44 PM   #5
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Not one bystander in the keep's main hall could say exactly how she got there, but one minute StormCloud was in the Tower and the next she was in her Knight's arms, smothering him with kisses and whispering things only he could hear.

- Oh I knew it! I knew it could not be so! (beaming smile) Twas just that you disappeared as the charges were brought...I ..I..oh I am so very sorry I ever doubted...oh how can I ever make it up to you my love, my Champion, my Protector? That I should think you played me false....oh how can I ever be worthy of such maginificence? (hazel eyes lock with his, her heart races, the world around them disappears until she remembers one little detail)-

But wait! My sister! She hunts you even as we speak. She will need to hear your tale of woe and methinks she will need much more convincing. My lady sister is much wiser in the ways of the world than I and sometimes I fear she is more apt to ...question things...she...she... does not believe we are well and truly wed and has decreed that I should be courted by other suitors. -
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