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Old 02-06-2001, 07:15 PM   #38
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Dear noble knight Stealth Bomber,

You have convinced this Stormqueen to await the findings of your 'inquiry'. (deep sigh) I shall not hurl myself o'er the precipice just yet, good and gentle knights. Leave me be awhile, to ponder and reflect and sharpen my ponder and reflect.

Tis shameful if I have been so tricked...I fear there shall be no bright sky or fluffy white clouds in the world e'er again.

BLACK KNIGHT: WHERE HAST THOU RUN TO? Art thou true or forsworn? Gallant or Knave? Chivalrous knight or Black Cur? Was it all a deceit, then? Is my lady sister correct? Were you only here to sample the fruits and leave again for another? Fie! I shall not believe til I have heard it from thine own lips. (sighs, reflecting on those lips...)

Oh I shall be very very very very distraught if you do not come soon! (hazel eyes flashing, she starts methodically sharpening the Blade of (purple) roses)
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