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Old 02-06-2001, 01:41 AM   #4
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 3,537

Time stop will likely not work since it is quite a walk from the egg room's door to the actual egg "shelf", you need some quick "spacebar" pausing and it is likely when you reach the drow egg guards they'll turn hostile. I always leave my 5 other party members near the exit of the temple and send Viconia/Aerie in with sanctuary casted. The [ctrl] + [j] will also work, but make sure you turn party AI off or else your party member (who is under santuary) will attack the golem as soon as he/she has got the eggs. Personally, I rather level-down the drow city than killing the silver dragon, if worst come to worst.
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