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Old 02-05-2001, 12:14 AM   #11
Lord Ao

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: London, England
Age: 30
Posts: 2,021

Hey, guys.


What a helpful bloke you are, thanks.

The problem I had wasn't being in the game or anything, I could see everyone and interact. The problems started when there was a lot of info' on screen.... ie a battle with a few creatures and a couple of spells flying. My screen would "stop" (whether Turbovee and Cloudbringer were experiencing this I know not) and then when the info' level reduced I would suddenly come back to life. After the pc thought about things for a second or two it booted me into touch. My brother and I are in the same building and he allows me to share his 512K cable internet connection (via a bit of hush hush jiggery pokery) . The connection speed is not a problem at my end I'm sure. Although I haven't yet tried, my bro' is of the opinion that although I can connect out, people may have trouble connecting to me as he has put various firewalls in place to protect his own very large website and personal effects...understandably so. I may attempt a game with people connected to my end to see if it works ...if Turbo' and CB are willing. He (my bro') often plays flight sims on line with loads of other people (primarily American) and with untold info' on screen with no problems at all. It may just be the connection from mine to Turbovee's end that is the problem. What do you think Zor'?

Disabling 3D is a good idea and one I wouldn't have the foggiest how to do, the same as changing cache sizes. Anyone willing to give me the low down on this? It would be appreciated, yes I could ask bro' but it's unfair forever pestering him with my pc ineptitude problems....time I learnt a little for myself methinks.

Turbovee, Cloudbringer, if you're still up for it then perhaps we could try making the changes that Zoratorak has so kindly put forward and having another crack....possibly even connecting to this end. If this runs ok then we can look at other possibilities, if not...well we've lost an hour or so...big deal.

Come back to me on this guys and look after my boy for me........I miss my boy.
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