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Old 02-04-2001, 04:15 PM   #15

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Demon Knight

Fighter-like class, not kit (like Barbarian).
Uses Fighter level chart and Thac0 table, gets full constitution bonus, but only rolls d8 for hit points. Armour does not affect spell casting ability. Cannot dual or be dualed to.

Humans only. Must be evil.

Descr: This evil warrior has sold his soul to a powerful demon, gaining magical powers in return.


+4 Save vs. Death
Immunity to Charm

Special Ability: Level Drain. Once per day per 7 levels the Demon Knight may drain the life force of an opponent. This modifies his normal attack, there is no need to target specially. If the victim fails a save vs. death, the Demon Knight drains one level or hit die. The effect of this on the Demon Knight is to heal 15 HP (as per Vampiric Drain), remove the following effects (slowness, disease, poison, doom, malison), restore one spell to memory (the highest possible level; random if more than one available) and set his morale to maximum for one hour.

Spell progression like Bards, selection like priests (no need to find scrolls), no bonus for wisdom or intelligence. Allowed spells are, by level:

- Charm Person
- Chill Touch
- Command
- Doom
- Find Familiar
- Laroch's Minor Drain
- Shillelagh
- Sleep

- Death Ward
- Draw upon (un)Holy Might
- Ghoul Touch
- Horror
- Hold Person
- Flame Blade
- Silence 15' Radius
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Resist Fire/Cold

- Animate Dead
- Dire Charm
- Invisibility Purge
- Glyph of Warding
- Miscast Magic
- Vampiric Drain
- Unholy Blight

- Confusion
- Contagion
- Emotion
- Free Action
- Greater Malison
- Mental Domination
- Poison
- Spider Spawn

- Chaos
- Feeblemind
- Flamestrike
- Hold Monster
- Magic Resistance
- Slay Living
- True Sight

- Blade Barrier
- Death Spell
- Dolorous Decay
- Harm
- Improved Haste
- Power Word Silence


-2 Cha, -2 Wis, -2 Save vs. Spell
-3 reaction from everyone non-evil
-5 reaction from Druids and non-evil Clerics
-7 reaction from Paladins
Cannot be Protected from Evil
Unaffected by Invisibility
Soul goes to Demon upon death: cannot be raised or resurrected.