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Old 02-02-2001, 01:49 PM   #4
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 3,537

The are a few tips:
1) Have berserker(s) in your party, usually mean Korgan and maybe the protagonist, as soon as you best the lich and right after he does his little transformation...."enrage" and charge at it with any +4 or better weapons. He takes little damage each time so KEEP hacking at him!! Eventually you will have your trophy.
2) (a very risky way, if no berserker)The demi-lich only focus on one target at a time, hopefully your party members(druids, mages, clerics) can summon tons of creatures and can summon them as fast as the lich cast his imprisonment, and hopefully the lich is busy with the summon creatures so your fighter can hack away with weapon like Crom Faeyr or Warblade.....or Holy Avenger if you have a paladin. Yes, it did work for me in one of my earlier games.....after like 6 reloads.
3) Others on the board have mentioned about traps, but since I never use the trap abilities of my thieves I cannot really comment on that.
4) Summon fire elemental, cast protection from magic on it and let it go to work (provided you party members are out of sight of the lich).
5) As support, spells such as false dawn, sunray, bolt of glory, holy smite ... etc also work well, I am not sure if the protection from undead will work but it is also worth a try on your party members.
These a just a few of the many ways to destroy the demi-lich, try to search through the forum.
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