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Old 01-29-2001, 06:03 PM   #6
Ninja Storm Shadow

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 3,537

Do you have any berserkers in your party? If yes, give him a +4 or better weapon (e.g. Crom Faeyr, War Blade, Carsomyr ...etc), enrage him (before the imprisonment spell kicks in), and hack away. Or since the demi-lich can only focus on one target at a time, enrage the berserker and have him in front of the demi-lich's face. The lich will just keep casting imprisonment on the berserker, your party members can now hack away with leisure (provided the enrage is well timed and not run out ).

If not, then summon a fire elemental, cast protection from magic energy, and let it go at it.

Either way, have all your other party members away and out of sight of the demi-lich. There are many other strategies to kill the demi-lich, these are just a few. Good luck.
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