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Old 01-29-2001, 02:38 PM   #51

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Up in the Freedomland Alps
Age: 60
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if you want to see a movie in France, either you go to the cinema and watch it with dubbed voices, or you wait until it is available on TV or in video in original version (but it is not the same as on the big screen). And a few years ago, even on TV or in video, original versions were very hard to find. Today, a few cinemas start showing movies without dubbed voices, but only very late in the evening, which is not very kind to people having to go to work early the next morning. And when asked, a huge majority of French people prefer dubbed movies.

So we are used to dubbed voices in movies, but the general feeling we get from a movie depends greatly if it is goodly or badly dubbed. However, in rare occasions, dubbed voice can be better than the original one. I happen to watch Sylvester Stallone movies now and then mostly for his dubbed voice ! And I am very fond of "Dragon Heart" because of the French voices, who are remarkable. Above all, the dragon's voice, dubbed by a French actor called Philippe Noiret that I appreciate very much.

However, TV shows like Friends (US) or Absolutely Fabulous (UK) are generally very badly dubbed. So either I watch them in original version, or I don't watch them at all.

What I say will not raise the reputation of French people, I am afraid. I like your country !
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