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Old 01-20-2001, 01:22 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

I recently finished a high-magic early-Imoen party (me=elven fighter/mage, Jaheira, Aerie and Yoshimo -> Imoen). I got Imoen when the rest of the party didn't have so many XP that she was useless, and did nearly every quest 'late'. This strategy ought to be an expected one (if you're role-playing someone really desperate to find his lost little friend), but for some reason Imoen has very few lines and I saw NO interaction between her and the rest of the party. Particularly annoying things about her:

No NPC interaction! Maybe I had the wrong characters in my party, which was admittedly small. But even Sylvanis has nothing to say to her.

She really ought to needle you about whoever you're in a romance with. If you're female, she ought to 'girl-talk' with you at Jerk Boy's expense. Free Examples:

Imoen - "So you're involved with Anomen?"
You 1 - "Yeah."
2 - "Yeah, "
3 - "He seems less pathetic when you've seen him in combat."
4 - "He is almost totally reliant upon my approval. I will thoroughly break him soon."

Imoen - "Well, he does have a cute butt."
You 1 - ""
2 - "You know, when I met him, my first thought was 'what an ass', too."
3 - "At least when you can see it, he's probably not talking to you."

If you're pursuing one of the female NPCs she ought to at least comment on it. Some approval for Aerie (alignments match), surprise for Jaheira (knows history), and disapproval for Viconia ("guess you have to get it out of your system or something").

Her schpiel about "a place to call home" (in 1st dungeon library) -- then, when you bring her to your new stronghold, she says nothing.

I really want her to have something interesting to say about each of the strongholds. ("You own this big, creepy sphere? Well, at least there's a lot of room for bookshelves...")

Maybe I missed something, but from what I've seen she has very few non-plot lines, which makes her feel like a zero-personality waldo. (She has one line speaking to the Spectator, one line about your Transformation, and the obligatory hell-speeches. Bah.)