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Old 01-18-2001, 07:52 AM   #9

Posts: n/a

Hahahah! A'ight, lessee.
When you put a certain amount of points into strength, you get a natural addition to yer to hit (a bonus to THAC0) and damage (a simple bonus to however much damage you do with each hit). So if my natural THAC0's six and I have a to hit bonus of three, my THAC0 becomes three. Say my strength's 18/98 and I'm wielding a normal two-handed sword with specialisation in two-handers. The sword can do one to ten damage. The specialisation gives me an extra one to hit and two to damage. My strength gives me an extra two to hit and five to damage. My natural THAC0 is six, so with these bonuses it becomes three. That means that if the enemy's armour class is zero, I have to roll a three to hit him. Now, before I even roll to see how much damage I've done, I'm guaranteed it's going to be at least eight (five plus two plus the minimum damage a two-hander can do, which is one). If I roll well, I can do up to seventeen damage.
Bah, I'm terrible at explaining things. If you didn't quite catch that, ask Tobbin, he's a DM. I'll just leave it at the fact that to hit and damage bonuses are always welcome. : )