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Old 01-15-2001, 08:09 PM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: September 16, 2001
Location: Valeia, Gael Serran
Posts: 32

i added nalia before i went into slaver pit, sewers, slaver boat, etc, but i can't acces her keep after going back to hendak, all i can do is bhodi and graveyard or others. should i dump ariel when she whines about her wings& get anomen? do i go under copper coronet w/o nalia? where should i sell all the non-magical junk i picked up in the slums? does shadow cheat change your game script? should i be meaner in conversations when female characters whine about life, etc.? i took human fighter for character, is there a better choice? should i multi-class instead of specialize? Why does the identify i pay for in the temple after finishing slaver quest not work for equipping the lilarcor?- it stillshows up blue in slot after paying too much. all right, i'll stop now, many more q's- im thinking about blowing up the whole dam* thing and starting over!--by the way, full install DID NOT WORK A BIT BETTER than recommended, loading,etall
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