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Old 01-15-2001, 10:21 AM   #1
Lord Ao

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: London, England
Age: 30
Posts: 2,021

Hi all.

Can someone please explain about THACO for me? I understand what it is but what's base and "actual"?

My fighter has a

Base THACO:5

Base 5 means I have to roll a 5 or more to hit (I think)...yes? So what's the other one?
Minus 5 what, from where? Is -4 better than -5 or is -6 better?...or is it better to not be a minus figure?

Also I (Fighter) have attacks 7/2. Is that 7 attacks with one hand (don't seem like it) and 2 with the other...or is it something else?... I only really use a 2 handed sword (Lilacor) anyway and usually hit for 24 or so damage (is that good?) or can a lot more "average" damage be done with other weapons? My sword does 1D10 + 2 and I get a +7 for strength, that's 19...where'd the other points come from?

Are all of the above good, bad or average figures?

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