Thread: music
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Old 01-14-2001, 12:14 AM   #27

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I'm not saying that Bubble-Gum pop doesn't have it's place in the music realm. Just not in my top five.

And Yorick, I realize that Nirvana and Christianity don't really mesh, but IMHO, I think that some people have "God", some Have "Buddha", some people have "Shiva", but I think that the important thing is that you believe in something. Whether it be a fixed Ideals of a "Religion" or the belief in the "self". Nirvana, for me, is a state of mind where you become focused on something that is outside of the self that one can appreciate on it's simplest level that makes you forget about your petty problems and be content. For me, Nirvana is not a state of transendental bliss where you soul emerges like the Phoenix out of its shell of a body. It is more of a never ending journey to an impossible destination. It is not the destination that is the important thing, it is the trip and how you get there that counts.

Didn't mean to wax and drag on so. Just in a bit of a philosophical mood this morning. Doing Laundry on a Sat Morning while watching cartoons does that to me.