Thread: Just a Thought
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Old 01-10-2001, 12:39 AM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: May 29, 2002
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Age: 49
Posts: 19

This just crossed my mind after seeing the katana from planescape that grants additional mage spells.
I have a human kensai, which cant use armor anyway, and he just so happened to be level 12, BONUS because his special ability for hit and damage goes up every 3 levels, and his speed factor every 4. Making lv 12 a perfect time to DUAL CLASS him to a mage.
I know its a little steep to pass lv 12 with a mage(1,125,000), which makes me think maybe I shoulda done this earlier (I don't know how easily it will be to get the next million+ exp, or how long it will take)
But my kensai/mage (under the cap) can still get to lv 15 mage, which will give him 7th lv spells (also have bonus 7 lv spell trinket).
Anyway I'll have a badass who can cast some pretty bad ass spells, and if someone gets through to me ....bring them on.

BTW check out these NON CHEAT stats I got on like the 5th roll
str 18/49
dex 18
con 18
int 18
wis 10
cha 14
why did I choose int over cha?...don't know actually, cha and wis are the first two I take down to 10 to get my other numbers up when making non priest classes(just because they are the bottom ones) and int was a rolled 18, in my excitement over the roll and only having to lower some wisdom to get the others up to 18 I overlooked adding some cha from my int........was kicking myself then and am happy now.

I'm playing a multiplayer game with 3 of my creations and 3 npc's so this guy isnt my main character, My main guy from BGI is now a stalker, accompanied by his buddies a monk and kensai/mage.I found magic to be MUCH more important so far thats why I was happy to switch. Sux having 3 confused/fear/chaos...whatever fighters and not enough magic users to counter the effects.

I also miss having a few archer types, but I was in love with drizzt do'urden and my main guy "was" molded after him...and I could'nt choose between monk and kensai to try.

HMM my monk could'nt Dual

And one more Quick Question:

If I pass Chapter 2 will all Chapter 2 side quests still be there or Do I need to complete them before moving to chapter 3.
Thanks, and sorry so long!
Back to BGII for me....Hehe Just had to tell somebody!!
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