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Old 01-07-2001, 03:33 PM   #10

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i found the last battle the hardest of all beacuse i was playing as a very powerful ranger with godlike stats beacuse he came from bg1 & had tomes.he was too good perhaps beacuse i only had 4 people in my party just me imoen,aerie,heardalis. the demons took ages with one fighter and the slayer was hard becuse of the regeneration. By the end the only one left alive was me.
The twisted rune battle i found very easy as i just equiped my ranger with protection from magic and used a wizzard eye to lure them out one by one and the rest of the party was just stuffed into the passage.

the ending movie is dissaponting i think. Irenicus should end up being tormented by a million screaming demons or something impressive not just fall off a cliff with a few shadows. The bhaal priests at the end though are good with their mysterius comments