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Old 01-07-2001, 02:27 PM   #29
One ANGRY lil' man

Posts: n/a

In response to your "DON'T WATCH FOOT BALL PLAY FOOT BALL" remark. Why are you on a message board shouldn't you find a group of people in real life rather than talk to people online? Why do you even play RPG's then ohh ohh escapism ohh ohh. Imagination itself is a way to escape so should we stop imagining scenarios to run from escapism? I mean why should we even talk Jerome actions do speak louder than words why don't we just act? Because we are made human due to our abilities to imagine scenarios plan ahead. I know I don't wanna be lobotomized but if I was lobotomized I wouldn't want to play Baldurs Gate I wouldn't imagine isn't that what you want Jerome? Why should we try to transcend our current form why should we think of having abilities above that of a normal man? I mean we can just sit around and say I want to kill someone I should act on it shouldn't I Jerome? I should sit around lift weights so I can get strong in real life so girls will like me isn't that as empty of a goal as trying to reach lvl 8? What I'm saying is real life is just as empty as fake life.