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Old 01-05-2001, 03:34 PM   #15
Chaos Harlequinn

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I think it's important to address the issue of Tom Bombadil a little farther. This is one the most pivotal points in the whole series, although many people do not usually think into it enough to realize that. When the (earlier stage of the) fellowship enter the Barrow Downs, they are captured by the wights...long dead ghosts of kings and barons who have taken a semi-corporeal form. These wights would have been the end of the party if it wasn't for the intervention of Tom Bombadil. Now, one could argue that there were many instances in which the party's well being was at stake, and the interjacence of a minor character had saved them, but this single mediation was far more important than any others. This is simply due to the fact that the outcome of this was that the fellowship acquired the barrow daggers. One of these barrow daggers played a key role in the slaying of the Lord of the Nazgul at the Battle of Pelennor Fields. This, in conjunction with other important aspects of the battle, led to a victory for the forces of Gondor. So in retrospect, if it wasn't for the intervention of Tom Bombadil the fellowship would never have reached Gondor and the Battle Of Pelennor Fields may have been at lost. It goes without saying that Tom Bombadil also played other key roles in the book (i.e. Old Man Willow) To leave good ole Tom out of the movie would be a severe injustice and I hope that nothing is set in stone as of yet.