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Old 01-04-2001, 07:10 PM   #6
Lord Ao

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: London, England
Age: 30
Posts: 2,023

Thanks Guys.

Ertai, I returned to the Harper stronghold on request of someone. Something happened and I bashed up the bloke and his firm. Upstairs in a chest that I couldn't formerly open I found Montarons body. I too am on chapter 2, I've been doing untold quests though. I am a fighter btw.
The fire elemental, re the mask....Is it worth going back and topping him? Will I get something out of it?

Dragos, cheers, yes Xzar went west a long time ago. I'd like to give Montaron a good send off though...oh well.

Regarding the hp...thanks, I knew there had to be a reason...pleased I didn't try reloading on level up now.

These wooden stakes that you can buy still bug me, why flog em if they're useless. Also the dessicated hand from the graveyard (I think)...strange.

The mindflayers and their mates I'm still working on.
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