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Old 01-03-2001, 05:50 AM   #3

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Up in the Freedomland Alps
Age: 60
Posts: 2,474

Oh, I forgot : I think I am a Chaotic Good person.

I am lawful to people I love, but I am not a fanatic of ideas and laws.
I hate people knowing better than me what I should do (The chaotic side).

I enjoy playing characters at the exact opposite of my real personnality (this is much more of a challenge), but I do not really know if it is harder to play an Evil character or a true neutral one, as a True Neutral character has to be cool-blooded all the time, which I am not.

I find it taxing to play lawful characters because it is very uncomfortable to want to slap yourself in the face most of the time !
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