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Old 01-01-2001, 05:31 PM   #4
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Long Beach, CA. USA
Age: 67
Posts: 1,589

There is a lesser Restoration spell that your cleric's can cast. This spell removes the level drain but not the damage.
You can go to a temple which has both lesser and greater restoration, the latter completely heals the character.
You can also buy greater restoration scrolls that you can carry with you. I highly recommend that you buy as many as possible for those times when even though your tanks are negative plane protected and someone is wearing the amulet of power, one of your characters that are not protected may get nailed. That way you wont have to spend the time making a run to the nearest temple if you don't have a cleric.
By the way, the cleric spell lesser restoration while removing level drain also does a little bit more damage in the process. I found this out the hard way when Jaheira was drained and critically injured. Upon casting lesser restoration, level drain was removed, she then uncerimoniously died. So be careful using it if your characters are severely injured.
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