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Old 12-25-2000, 10:33 AM   #8
Ertai, Wizard Adept

Posts: n/a

Well, i do like my party cause to spy and stealth I have Yoshimo with 100 % in stealth and move silently, plus the boots of stealth so he ALWAYS gets in shadows. About armor, I do prefer Keldornīs own armor and the Firekraag armor for Minsc. And Minsc can use two handed swords and bows, while Valygars proficiencies are very poor to me (i still dont have any decent katana and SURE i wont use a spear). So maybe when i replay iīll take him (mainly to see his dialogues with lavok) but now i think I will play with my actual party (me sorceror, minsc, keldorn, jaheira, yoshimo and edwin). its working out fine.