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Old 12-12-2000, 11:13 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

Just completed the game with all NPCs and now I'll like to try a pure multiplayer game. Really want your opinions about this party. I will not have any multiclassing this time, instead concentrating only on dual-classing. Got some burning questions to clarify though.
1)Somewhere it's stated that Paladins, rangers and druids cannot be dual-classed. But can they be dual-classed to? Meaning like I dual from cleric to ranger or paladin?
2)what about kits? I know that a character can only have one kit when dual-classing. However is there a restriction that the kit must be either the former, or the latter class?
3)In dual-classing, how is the THAC0 and all class perks/abilities inherited after the character advanced enough to use both classes?

Now, i got these characters in mind, what do you think guys? can check for me whether it's even viable in the first place?

1)Paladin undead hunter
2)1/2 orc berserker
3)fighter dual to specialist mage(possible?)
5)Thief dual to Monk(possible?)
6)(Berserker or fighter) dual to Cleric(possible?)

Got a hunch that thief monk is impossible because monk cannot dual? if not then i'll go for thief dual to ranger archer?(or multiclass?)just wanted to try out different styles of play. So anyone got any other killer combos? (personally i find kensai dual to mage has too little AC to be a tank)

all feedback appreciated! Thanks!