Thread: books
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Old 12-16-2000, 04:13 AM   #53
Mr. Underhill
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: October 6, 2001
Location: Bridgeport CT
Posts: 7

Melusine, Hello thanks for the Aleister Crowley tip, but I know of many of his in print books, New Falcon Press puts out a large portion of his works. I'm kinda referring to some of his more esoteric rants, stuff he actually published, there is some extremely strange and interesting reading if your willing to search for these texts. I must appluade your choice of litarature(A.S. Byatt, Ch. Marlowe, Shakespeare (corny I know but READ HIM), Keats, Poe, Chaucer, Wilde, Yeats, Banks, Atwood, Eco, Donne, Milton, Anthony Burgess, and some fantasy I like: Tolkien Eddings Pratchett Some random books: Brontė's Wuthering Heights, Goethe's Faust & Leiden des jungen Werthers, Beowulf, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon series (anyone read the new one yet?), Byatt's Possession, Burgess's Earthly Powers,) some real classics. No Kafka or Dostievsky, perhaps in your expanded list ehh.. Your certainly right about James Joyce, pretty impenitrable reading, I have made many atempts to read Finnagins Wake, but to no avail. I always realize, there is still a great deal more, I need to learn before any true comprehension is possible. Hehehe!! Well any ways I've heard of Iain (M.) Banks, but have yet to read any of his writings, there is so much to read out there, you most certainly understand, but I assure you I have bumped that to the top of my to read list, thanks for the recommendation.
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