Thread: books
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Old 12-13-2000, 03:48 AM   #11
Welcomed New User

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I just finished the third book in George R.R. Martins series. Damn its good! Human oriented( no elves or dwarves) Dark(tragedy) fantasy at its best. I also love Robert Jordan's "Wheel of time" series. Shanara series by terry brooks, Peirs Anthony is a fave as well and many others...
Robert Heinleins my Fav sci-fi author ie. "Stranger in a strange land" and "starship troopers",
Also Orson Scott Card( "Enders Game"). If you can get a hold of his first book titled "Treason" its one of the most original stories I've ever read! I'm shocked I have time to play video games so much cause I read alot, not to mention work 45 hrs a week in a music store, roleplay P&P style, plus have a girlfriend and a social life. I guess Ive just made sleep an option part of my life. BOOKS ROCK!!!
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