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Old 12-04-2000, 11:45 PM   #1
Welcomed New User

Join Date: June 14, 2001
Location: Concord, California, USA
Posts: 3

What on earth is a THACO (chance to hit?)? Why is it good to have a very low armor what does each unit less mean for me? How helpful is a saving throw bonus +1? Will items that protect me from critical hits help me a lot? What's the difference between a round and a turn? How badly does 1d3, 1d10, or 2d6 damage hurt? What's the difference between a base, offhand, and main THACO? Which is better, a low or high speed factor? When a spells talks about the number of levels a caster has recieved, what exactly is it talking about (experience levels?)? Please, any help you can give me would be very appreciated!
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