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Old 12-10-2000, 04:03 PM   #1
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: WA, USA
Age: 67
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My kids & I just got back from the newly released Dungeons and Dragons movie. We are all tremendously disappointed! We are all very much into D&D type RPGs. My oldest son plays pen & Paper D&D weekly. The best I can say is, it's watchable. The director butchered what could have been a truly epic ... or at least fun ... movie. It suffers from over-acting, underdevelopment of the story & characters, and horrible directing.

Now I don't want to give the impression that it's a TOTAL dog. It had a few moments when it worked, and the special effects were decent enough. But as one reviewer on another site stated, it's like they made a movie based on the description of the game on the box, rather than the game inside.

My 10 year old said, "Here's a clue Ms. Director, Play the games BEFORE you make the movie!!"

I just hope "Hollywood" doesn't decide that the world hates these movies. Of course very few people will go to see a BAD one. If only they'd done it RIGHT.

Come on you D&D experts out there.. am I totally off base? What did YOU think?
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