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Old 12-21-2000, 08:44 AM   #14
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: March 9, 2001
Location: Cranebrook, NSW, Australia
Age: 46
Posts: 396

Geez and I get picked on for playing games too much in my house. I've only played through three times fully and twice partially. Even those games I went right through one I cheated so it was quick and my first game was short because I missed lots of stuff. So even after all these times my current game is the only one that I've been everywhere and done everything and played without cheating at all (okay have a tiny bit). This fighter is my only character that I'm saving for the future so if you see a fighter named Daniel wandering aroun Never Winter Nights you'll know who it is. Provided there will be good servers in Australia, groups to play with and my parents let me. There's also the problem that my uni internet account doesn't allow most online gaming. Oh well.
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